Psychomotor therapy (PMT) is a movement and body-oriented form of therapy in which experience and action are central. By means of PMT your behavior is looked at and you try to change the behavior with various exercises. In the first instance you will discover which body signals you notice in case of stress and / or different emotions, such as; anger, happy, sad, ashamed and afraid. Then we will look at how you behave during certain exercises and we will investigate whether these patterns can be compared to situations from daily life. With the help of the exercises you work towards behavioral change and new insights to get your life back into balance.
At PMT you can think of work forms that are sports-related or body-oriented, balancing exercises, yoga, mindfulness and relaxation exercises.
PMT is suitable for everyone! Children, young people and adults with psychosocial complaints. In addition, PMT can also be used as group therapy.
Themes Resilience Daring to set boundaries Self-confidence Aggression regulation Emotion regulation Sadness complaints Trauma Burnout complaints Self-image Performance anxiety